Schedule module

Fastwa provides @fastwa/schedule package, which integrates with the popular cron package. That allows you to schedule arbitrary code (methods/functions) to execute at a fixed date/time, recurring intervals, or once after a specified interval.


To begin using it, we first install required dependencies.

1npm i --save @fastwa/schedule
2npm i --save-dev @types/cron

Getting started

Once the installation process is complete, to activate job scheduling, import ScheduleModule into the root AppModule and run the forRoot() static method as shown below:

1import { Module } from '@fastwa/common';
2import { ScheduleModule } from '@fastwa/schedule';

5  imports: [ScheduleModule.forRoot()],
7export class AppModule {}

Declarative cron jobs

A cron job schedules an arbitrary function (method call) to run automatically. Cron jobs can run:

  • Once, at a specified date/time.
  • On a recurring basis; recurring jobs can run at a specified instant within a specified interval (for example, once per hour, once per week, once every 5 minutes)

Declare a cron job with the @Cron() decorator preceding the method definition containing the code to be executed, as follows:

1import { Injectable } from '@fastwa/common';
2import { Cron, CronExpression  } from '@fastwa/schedule';

5export class AppController {
6  @Socket()
7  socket: WASocket;
9  @Cron(CronExpression.EVERY_5_MINUTES)
10  handleCron() {
11    this.socket.sendMessage(remoteJid, 'Send message every 5 minutes');
12  }